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Chapter 32: Academy Heroine's Right Diagonal Back Seat

Chapter 32

Early morning, before other teachers had arrived.

Eve, who had come to school early, sat at her desk, opened the drawer, and pulled out a photo album filled with pictures of students she had taught in the past.

As she flipped through the album, familiar faces filled with fond memories appeared.

Having been a teacher at the academy for a long time, the album was packed with photos, yet Eve remembered every single student captured in those pictures.

Her hand stopped as she came across a photo of a smiling boy with a name tag reading "Yesst Ofer" beside her.

Eve gently traced the boy's bright, smiling face with her finger, recalling memories of that student. With a sad expression, she closed the album.

No matter how many times she experienced it, the death of a student never became easier.

The world, once ravaged by witches, was filled with a miasma, a noxious energy harmful to ordinary people.

Magical beasts generally arose in areas with a high concentration of miasma.

The magical barriers erected by ancient wizards to block the miasma's invasion marked safe zones where magical beasts couldn't appear.

However, space within these barriers was limited.

To secure food and expand living areas, people naturally felt the need to develop land outside the barriers.

Thus, people began installing devices to suppress and purify the miasma around the barrier's vicinity and fought off appearing magical beasts, gradually reclaiming the land.

Even with miasma-suppressing devices, they couldn't completely block the miasma like the barrier did, so occasionally, magical beasts still appeared.

Typically, beasts born in low miasma areas were weaker, but the beast that appeared near the barrier last weekend was an exception.

A veteran hero, who had thanked Eve for keeping his limbs intact for ten years, died trying to evacuate people from a beast that suddenly appeared near the barrier.

The message of his death arrived after class yesterday, and Eve struggled to calm her sorrow, though controlling her emotions was not easy.

Lost in thought, Eve was startled by the sound of the faculty room door opening.

Expecting another teacher, she instead saw Scarlet Evande, a student from her class.

Not knowing why Scarlet had come so early, but sensing she had a purpose, Eve watched as Scarlet approached her.

"Miss, I have a question," Scarlet said.

Trying not to seem downcast while talking to a student, Eve forced a cheerful voice.

"Sure, Miss Evande. What are you curious about?"

"Our gymnasium is incredibly sturdy. How much would it cost to build something like that?" Scarlet asked.

"The gymnasium? Hmm, I suppose just the material costs would exceed a trillion won. But why the sudden interest? Are you into construction?"

Even Scarlet, who usually maintained a neutral expression, seemed surprised by the figure and widened her eyes.

There's a tradition among practical instructors to challenge overconfident students to break the gymnasium wall, promising early graduation if they succeed. The gymnasium, nicknamed 'Humility Hall,' for how it humbles even the cockiest students, is known for its durability.

Scarlet, regaining her usual expression, asked again.

"I'm not interested in construction; I was just curious. How much would it cost to install a door of the same material at the gym entrance?"

"You mean installing a door in an open space? Roughly two billion won should suffice."

Scarlet nodded and stood there, seemingly lost in thought, before speaking to Eve again.

"Miss, you mentioned you're quite wealthy. Could I ask for a favor?"

"Well, I do have some money... What is it you need?"

"Could you lend me two billion won? I'll find a way to repay it."

Eve was momentarily stunned by Scarlet's sudden request for such a large sum.

Then, recalling their conversation, she hesitantly asked,

"Miss Evande, you aren't asking for two billion to install a door at the gym, are you?"

Scarlet nodded as if that was precisely the reason.

Eve was speechless for a moment.

After a pause, she asked incredulously,

"Miss Evande, can you tell me why you suddenly want to install a door at the gym?"

"Well, our gymnasium is used as an evacuation center in emergencies. If a beast breaches the barrier, a door would make it safer, wouldn't it?" Scarlet explained.

Scarlet's concern made her look like a child worried about monsters under the bed, prompting Eve to smile reassuringly.

"Ahaha, Miss Evande, you can be quite a worrywart. There's no need to worry about beasts appearing inside the barrier."

"But still... what if...?" Scarlet replied, her voice filled with worry.

Seeing Scarlet's trembling hands, Eve remembered the training session where students were shown their worst fears. Scarlet had sweated and trembled, eventually fainting.

Connecting her current behavior with that past reaction, Eve speculated that Scarlet might have experienced a tragic event involving beasts.

Information about Aegis Academy students was restricted to the principal alone to prevent any potential bias from staff members.

As the academy was founded on the principle of treating all students equally, asking personal questions was against the rules.


"Miss Evande, could you tell me about your family?"

"...I don't have any," she replied softly.

Eve, having suspected as much, felt regret for bringing up a painful subject.

"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have asked."

"It's okay. But can you lend me the money?"

"Even if I lend you the money, it's not like you can just install a door on the school gym because a student wants it," Eve said, causing Scarlet's expression to harden.

Eve felt a bit guilty for making Scarlet uncomfortable. Considering her admirable wish to help others, she thought granting her request wouldn't hurt.

Eve smiled gently.

"So, I'll talk to the principal about installing a door on the gym. Your reason sounds plausible enough, so it might get done quickly."

"Really? Then please ask them to do it as soon as possible. Thank you so much. I don't know how to repay you..."

Scarlet's tense expression relaxed, and she visibly brightened. 

Eve remembered how grateful Scarlet had been for even the smallest help with her uniform costs. Looking at her now, Eve spoke.

"In return, I'll ask for one thing."

"If it's something I can do, I'll do anything," Scarlet replied earnestly.

"Then, let's make a promise."

Eve extended her pinky finger.

From the past to the present, there was only one thing she had ever wanted from her students.

"Don't die, Miss Evande."

Scarlet's eyes wavered as she looked at Eve's outstretched pinky.

After a moment of hesitation, she hooked her pinky around Eve's.

"I won't die. Ever," Scarlet said resolutely.

Watching Scarlet bow and leave the faculty room, Eve took out her phone.

"As soon as possible," she had said.

Eve wanted to do her best for this earnest student.

She scrolled through her contacts, many of whom were wealthy clients who paid for her illusion magic services. These clients, including the chairman of a prominent construction company, experienced their fantasies with overwhelming realism.

"Hello, Chairman. Sorry to call so early. We're planning to install a door on our academy's gym. Yes, it needs to match the gym's current material. It would take a month due to backlog? That's a bit of a problem."

"It would be troublesome for you too if an article about a prominent chairman's hobby of transforming into a cute girl for attention came out, wouldn't it? No, it's not a threat. If you expedite the project, I can bump your reservation up and give you exclusive service. How does that sound?"

"Really? You'll start the project tomorrow? You're so generous, Chairman. How about this week for your session? Today works too? Excellent. How much will it cost? I'll pay upfront. See you this evening, my angel~."

Ignoring his plea to not call him that in public, Eve ended the call.

She then sent a mass message to her clients, pushing back their reservations by a day, which caused her phone to buzz uncontrollably with responses. Eve turned off her phone.

As for the construction, she'd inform the principal later. After all, she had funded the gym's construction; adding a door didn't need special permission.

Eve reopened the photo album, looking at her students' pictures.

She had attended many funerals for heroes who had once been her students.

No matter how much money she donated for their welfare and survival, there were always those who ended up dead.

Eve felt a profound sadness, realizing that there were many things in the world that money and power couldn't control.


  1. Deep than I thought...

  2. Deep thoughts within the deep

    1. Homelander wants to know your location

  3. I am guessing that the door is to use it as a shelter.
    If so, it's not necessarily a bad idea, as long the place holds up whatever's going to happen.
    But i'm really curious as to what's that disaster that's incoming.
    As for the professor... it must be so heartbreaking for her. But it also shows how strong her mentality is, because she's still doing her best.

  4. Gold changed to won I guess makes sense

    1. Vamos al caso, el oro no era una buena moneda para usar si al final los precios eran como wones.

  5. Damm… this story is darker than I expected, but mc will pull through !

    Thanks for the chapter !

  6. the chairman is...a magical girl?!?

  7. Thx for the chapter!
    Idk if it's me but when i click next button it just refresh the page.

  8. The chairman is freaky like that


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